3 War

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  Denmark Unconquered, Though Captive PosterDenmark, 1940  Product
Denmark Unconquered, Though Captive Poster Product Link
Denmark, 1940
32 x 20 in (81 x 51 cm)
Link to  Kodenavn: Frygtløscirca 1980s  Product
Kodenavn: Frygtløs Product Link
circa 1980s
34 x 25 in (86 x 62 cm)
Link to  5000 Danish Seamen Sailing for United NationsDenmark, C. 1945  Product
5000 Danish Seamen Sailing for United Nations Product Link
Denmark, C. 1945
32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)